The Healer is a 2016 Spanish-Canadian-American comedy-drama film written and directed by Paco Arango and starring Oliver Jackson-Cohen, Camilla Luddington, Kaitlyn Bernard, Jorge Garcia and Jonathan Pryce.
Alec Bailey, a mechanical engineer, has been struggling after the death of his parents and twin brother, Charlie. He finds himself sleeping around, gambling his money away, with a failing business, and drowned in debt, when suddenly his banker tells him that a man is offering to pay all his debt.
Suspicious at first, Alec soon realizes this is true; his estranged uncle, Raymond Heacock, offers to pay his £88,000 debt in exchange for Alec moving out of England to Nova Scotia, Canada for a whole year. Although not thrilled by the idea, Russian debt collectors are after him, and after hiding from them in a church where the Priest tells him this opportunity might be God’s way of giving him a second chance, he decides to accept his uncle’s offer.